Cable Corner Explained


What is Cable Corner? An evolving database of copper cable stocks held in the UK which could be (i) Slow moving (ii) Surplus to requirement (iii) Special in design (iv) Short in length. What is the purpose? To advertise your cable products in order to increase the prospect of finding a buyer.  What is the benefit?  To the seller it means turning a cable into cash and for the buyer it means potentially a great deal!


Cable Corner is 

* Free to use

* Free to advertise

* Totally anonymous

* A no lose opportunity to market your cable


How Cable Corner works  

Cable corner is an unlimited database with unique reference numbers against each item in order to identify specific stock items. Users forward Deva Trading a list of items they wish to convert to cash. These items are likely to be one or more of the categories that are explained in the introduction above. Users can forward anything from 1 to 1000+ items and these are uploaded onto the database.  

Using Cable Corner is free and confidential. Deva will refer an interested buyer to the seller  in order for them to negotiate direct.  Deva does NOT take a commission.  Every 2 weeks we send a mailshot to our registered users with a link to the database. On a daily basis, users access the database direct and send Deva their enquiries.

Since inception, Cable Corner has been instrumental in generating significant sales of surplus inventory by connecting buyers and sellers. Inventory, which in all likelihood, would still be in a warehouse corner gathering dust!

In the next few months we anticipate a very large increase in activity as our marketing initiatives take effect.  So, if you have surplus inventory that YOU want to dispose of – get listed on Cable Corner!


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